Thursday, October 11, 2012

What is HipHop to me personally...

What is Hip-Hop to me? I pretty much explained what it was in the last post, but I would like to give input on what I think it is personally. To me Hip-Hop is concrete representation of ones inner character, expressed in a strong outward form. The art side of hip-hop like the music is so unique; it almost seems to bring people to life; it brings out an inner energy that we don't normally see. The rap side of hip-hop I believe was born out of struggle, original rap spoke on problems and hardships in the world and ones desire to over come them , dream, and rise to a higher purpose. The culture side to hip-hop is unique to; it has it's own style, its own look, and even it's own sort of language.I will admit however today's    representation of hip-hop has become a little distorted and looked down upon. Today's hip-hop has almost split into 2 different styles; the trashier kind of party side and then the original representation side. You just have to learn to decipher what genuine hip-hop really is.
(I posted this specific video, because Doug E describes what Hiphop is to him and gives a great example)

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